
How do I access my email?

Please see How to Access Your Email Account for more information.

I’m a new student. When will I receive my email account?

Incoming Freshmen

Email account information for incoming freshmen will be mailed to the students in early to mid-May.

SCE Students

Email accounts for SCE students are created upon enrollment. Once created, the email account information is mailed to the student.

Graduate Students

Email accounts for graduate students are created upon enrollment. The email account information is then mailed to the student.

Will I lose my email account following my graduation?

Your email address will remain active for one year following graduation. Please see Information for Departing Students for more information.

An important message may have been quarantined by the spam filter. How do I check it and release the message?

  1. Visit the Email Quarantine.
  2. Select the email in question.
  3. Click Release.

Where can I learn more about my Providence College email account?

Email Account Information